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Call for Speakers: Deadline Monday 4th November 2024. Submit HERE >


Integrative & Personalised Medicine

Sean Jennings

Sean Jennings

Patient Advocate for Skills not Pills and Founder of the Pain Cafe's throughout Primary Care Networks in Cornwall

Sean Jennings is a former mechanical engineer. When he was 32 he had what he thought was a routine hernia operation. Unfortunately from that day on, he has suffered chronic pain and prescribed ever Increasing opioids, gabapentin and antidepressants, for the next 25 years.

He is now 62 years old and 5 years medication free thanks to distraction and mindfulness techniques along with exercise/movement to manage pain. He has used the last 5years to tell his story to clinicians and patients advocating SKILLS NOT PILLS.

Resident fellow at the Institute of Social Prescribing.

Personalised Care Ambassador.

Quality Improvement Partners panel member. Southwest Academic Health Science Network.

College of Medicine and Integrated Care member.

Organised by Progressive Communications Ltd in association with The College of Medicine:


With thanks to our Supporters:



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Are you interested in speaking at IPM 2025?

Call for Speakers: Deadline Monday 4th November


We look forward to welcoming you to London