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Call for Speakers: Deadline Monday 4th November 2024. Submit HERE >


Integrative & Personalised Medicine

Janet Cairnie

Janet Cairnie

Lead Complementary Therapy Practitioner & Trainer, Northern Care Alliance, UK

I have over 15 years in the Health & Wellbeing Sector. I have a BSc (Hons) in Complementary Therapies (Integrated Therapies in Practice) at Salford University and a PGDE/TLAN (Teaching Learners with Additional Needs) at Bolton University.

I am the Lead Complementary Therapy Practitioner and Trainer for the Renal Dialysis Services at Salford NHS Trust (NCA). I recruit & train Therapists to be able to go onto the Dialysis units and deliver therapies whilst the patients receive their dialysis treatment.  I am a Clinical Aromatherapist and make all our blends and products for the Renal Dialysis Patients.

I am the Local FHT Co-ordinator/Ambassador, and I support Therapists and run meetings and organise guest speakers for our members and Therapists in the Complementary/Beauty/Sports Sector.

I have consulted for various companies to boost the health & Wellbeing of their task force, GP Surgeries and other NHS Establishments. I give talks for local Colleges on working in a clinical practice and the Benefits of professional membership in our Sector.

I have also consulted and spoken at various conferences in UK Europe & Japan.  I am a Fellow member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) and a member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) and International Clinical Aromatherapy Network (ICAN).

I love helping people and get a huge satisfaction when we make a difference to their lives. I have a huge passion for Aromatherapy and Essential oils.

I have wrote articles for various publications in the International Therapist magazine, Kidney Life, Essence of clinical Aromatherapy, Massage world, College of Medicine & Integrated Health.


Organised by Progressive Communications Ltd in association with The College of Medicine:


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Are you interested in speaking at IPM 2025?

Call for Speakers: Deadline Monday 4th November


We look forward to welcoming you to London