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Call for Speakers: Deadline Monday 4th November 2024. Submit HERE >


Integrative & Personalised Medicine

Ann Hetherington

Ann Hetherington

Head of Service, Cavendish Cancer Care, UK
United Kingdom

Cavendish Cancer Care (CCC) provide professional support for patients and members of the family affected by a diagnosis of cancer. We have worked alongside the NHS for over 30 years and offer counselling, complementary therapies and a range of groups and courses. Support is provided at our main centre in Sheffield and can also be accessed online and by telephone. CCC provide:

• A place where people can talk in confidence and share their feelings without the guilt or fear of upsetting anyone.
• Physical, emotional and practical advice to help people feel more in control, more confident, and more able to cope.
• Support to those who are bereaved.
• A specialist Children and Young People's Service for children who have either a cancer diagnosis themselves or have a close relative diagnosed with cancer.
• A peer to peer telephone buddy service.

For 1 to 1 therapies, Cavendish has a unique model of care which includes an initial consultation and a validated outcome measure (MYCAW). The client is enabled to identify the main concerns they would like help with and a team member co-ordinates support, remaining a point of contact should situations change or new concerns arise. Therapies include; reiki, shiatsu, counselling, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, healing, aromatherapy, art therapy, nutritional advice, art therapy and play therapy. In response to Covid and consequent changing client needs, we now offer digital delivery of well-being support through online courses, groups and classes. This has increased accessibility and enabled provision of support beyond 1 to 1 sessions and provides opportunity for clients to build skills and confidence and take responsibility for their own health and well-being in the longer term. Outreach services are delivered to in-patients who have a cancer diagnosis within the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals' Trust.


Organised by Progressive Communications Ltd in association with The College of Medicine:


With thanks to our Supporters:



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Are you interested in speaking at IPM 2025?

Call for Speakers: Deadline Monday 4th November


We look forward to welcoming you to London