Dr Deanna Minich, Nutrition scientist, international lecturer, educator, and author, currently serving as Chief Science Officer at Symphony Natural Health, USA
Founding Director and Chief Executive of the Sustainable Food Trust, previous director of the Soil Association, Founding chairman of British Organic Farmers and Patron of the UK Biodynamic Association, United Kingdom
GP, Chair of the College of Medicine, Fellow of the Royal College of GPs, Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Former Chair of NHS Alliance and Former Co-chair of the National Social Prescribing Network
Self Care Lead College of Medicine & Herbal Strategist, Pukka Herbs, UK and since 1977 has been at the forefront of the modern development of herbal, complementary and integrated medicine, United Kingdom
Criminal and family barrister turned writer and regenerative farmer in Suffolk & author of ‘Rooted: Stories of Life, Land and a Farming Revolution, United Kingdom